LE Suede Dragon Nymph

LE Suede Dragon Nymph


Hook TMC 200 R storlek 4 -10
Thread Dyneema
Tag ---
Tail ---
Butt ---
Abdomen Thin Suede strip
Ribbing ---
Thorax Hares dubbing
Hackle/Legs Ultra Chenille
Rygg Swiss Straw
Extra The underbody is plastic and it's got big black eyes

Do like this:

Cover the hook with your thread.

Dab the hook with super glue.

Take a small piece of plastic. I use the lid from a raisins box. Cut it to shape and "nag" the sides vith a pair of tongs.
Tye in the body underlay with criss-cross tying.

Put some fly tying cement on the underside of the abdomen. Put aside to dry and make another body the same way.
When the cement is dry you tye in a strip from thin suede leather, for example the kind you dry your car with when you've washed it. Cover the abdomen part with super glue and...
... wind the suede strip as abdomen.
Cut a strip of swiss straw and tye in for the wingbuds. Fold the straw strip back over the abdomen.
Dub a little hares hair or similar and cut apropriate length of ultra cheille and tye in on the under side oft the thorax. If you burn the ends you get it shaped. Dub a little more and tie in the next pair of legs. Do the same for the third pair.

Tye in the eyes - you can make them with glass beads and burnt nylon or buy readymade eyes.

Fold the swiss straw over the thorax and again over the eyes. Fold back over the eyes and tye down.

You can shape the legs with a cauterizer or hot tweezers.

Fish the nymph deep, I mostly use a sinking line, near weed beds. Retrieve it pretty fast with short pulls and occational pauses, when you let it sink a little. Sometimes the take comes when you stop the retrieving.


© Leif Ehnström